FLA is a livestock marketing and auctioneering company based in Southern KwaZulu-Natal.
Our team prides themselves as experts in the livestock marketing industry with over 150 years of combined livestock marketing and advisory experience between them. We as FLA are a community driven company with most of our field agents living within their areas. Some of our field agents have in fact grown up in farming families in their areas, and are exceptional stockmen with a wealth of knowledge on beef cattle, dairy, commercial herds and bull breeding.

Our FLA field agents cover farming areas in KwaZulu-Natal, the Free State and the Eastern Cape. You will find our agents areas on the “Contact Us” page. FLA arranges monthly cattle auctions in Underberg, Cedarville, Swartberg and Kokstad either through the local Farmers Association or by Private Treaty deals depending on the preference of our clients. We supply top quality livestock to abattoirs and feedlots both locally and country wide.

As well as our weekly auctions at the various Farmers Associations, we also hold numerous Bull and Ram Sales from July till the end of August; supplying herd sires to commercial and stud farmers throughout the country. The Bull Sales put approximately 400 bulls into the market place and 90 rams, all of which come from top breeders locally and nationally. These sales result, in this area producing livestock of an exceptional quality, thus being sought after by feedlots and farmers. FLA also organises and holds some of the largest Dairy dispersal sales in KZN and has a dedicated dairy specialist covering the whole of KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape.
FLA pride themselves on offering a professional and excellent service to all their clients, be they Buyers or Sellers, big or small and cater for all sectors in the livestock industry offering a quality product and experience. Our clients are able to discuss current market prices and trends with our agents who do regular farm visits to view, sort, and weigh livestock. We also assist clients with all transport arrangements and have loyal, reliable transporters whom we work very closely with on a daily bases.